Cash Back Credit Card
A cash back credit card features a rewards program that pays you a small percentage of your spend on the card. It is often called a rebate program. For example a credit card might offer you a reward of US$ 1/- for every US$ 100 you spend on it. Getting these credit cards normally require you to have a good to excellent credit rating. These types of
credit card offers are normally used for purchases such as groceries, gas, or auto maintenance purchases. You normally redeem your credit card rewards in the form of gifts, gift cards or certificates that allow you to shop for an equivalent amount of the face value.
A cash back credit card is a good card to use if you really want your money to go the full distance and extract every single penny of buying power! There are many who claim that the best rebate cards are those that offer cash – and not goodies. In case you are in the habit of revolving your credit, the cash back card is not an ideal option as the
interest rates on such cards are always higher. But, Cash back cards are a good idea for those who pay up their credit card balances and never pay anything by way of interest. In this case the money that you get back is a real bonus. The only other decision you need to make is: “How will I spend my cash back?”
Choose your cash back
credit cards online now!