Gasoline Credit Cards
Gasoline credit card is a convenient way to save money on your purchase of fuel from a particular chain of filling stations. Many of these
cards offer cash back schemes to reward your loyalty. With the oil prices reaching unprecedented levels, any kind of rebate on gas prices is good news! Gas cards are also available in the prepaid version wherein you load the credit card with cash and then use it as a convenient mode of payment at the pump. It is a good idea to read the fine print when you accept that – “Unbelievably attractive offer” – many mouthwatering schemes are merely short term promotions and the advertised benefits last only for a short duration. Some credit cards also have a minimum total purchase value that you have to cross before the full extent of the rebate kicks in. Normally
no interest or finance charges are levied on
gas credit cards if you pay the full amount due within the stipulated days from the bill date. Many of these Gas credit cards offer you online access to your account, the balance due and the credit remaining. This makes it convenient to manage your card account without having to make a phone call.